This book will help you to find out a way, in a chaotic age of modernism. The author collected Hadith of Prophets (PBUH) to guide us about a better living, witthour involving one-self among Fitna.
Islam has predicted every good and evil. Islam predicted every upcoming evil till the day of judgement. There are some evil in the shape of knowledge, some disguised by people, countries, animals, luxury life style etc. People seek knowledge to find God or enrich their souls. If that knowledge is used to gain reputation, to boost ones own self and to ignite the extremism withing community, then it becomes Finah.
Star appearing on the sky, a sign of Al-fitn
When the first time Al fitn appeared? The first time it appeared at the time of Prophet Noah, when his people were perished, then at the time of Prophet Abraham, when he was casted into fire, third time it persihed Pharaoh at the time of Prophet Moses, then Prophet John the Baptist was killed. It rises after the eclipse of the Sun and the Moon and then a man from Egypt will appear with the name Abqa (a man seeking rule). According to Ibn Mas'ud, a star with tail will appear in the month of safar, which is a sign of Al fitn, but this tradition of Ibn Mas'ud seems unautnentic because the Month of Safar has been considered 'cursed'. Al-Walid says, The star of the signs is the start that turns in the horizon in the month of Safar or in Rajab or Rabi al Thani. While Ka'b said, A star will rise from East, illuminate the earth like the moon. He further says, this star will appear before the birth of Mahdi and this star has a tail, while Sharik said; Before Mahdi, the sun will have an eclipse in the month of Ramadan twice. Kathir bin Murra says, These signs will occour in Ramadan, as KHaded b. Madan said; In the month of Ramadan, if you see a column of fire from the east, get food as much as you can, because an year of starvation will start now. Saeed b. Al Musayab believed that there will be disputes and disunity.
Fitna of AshSham
According to Saeed b. Al Musayab, A fitna in AshSham will start like a play of boys and this Fitna will end at a call from heaven to follow a particular person.
Birth of Mahdi;
There are many tales about him, some people believe he was born and died, some say, he will come at the end of this world. Artat b. Al Munzir say; When Mahdi will appear, people of Mina and Arafat will engage in a fierce battle, as someone will say, 'This man is Mahdi', other will say, No, he is not. Then a dispute will start and it will end when only few people will remain alive and they will accept him as Mahdi. It is sure that the land will collaspe before the 'coming' of Mahdi. Mahdi will belong to the family of the Prophet Mohammad pbuh. But this statement will become contradictory, as some will say, He belongs to the family of Jesus and surely, Mahdi belongs to the family of the prophet as Ali b. Abi Talib reported.
Prophet Mohammad pbuh belongs to the family clan of Bani Hashem. It is reported that Two men will appear from Bani Hashem and Bani Umaya and they both will kill each other's family then Mahdi will appear. Ali b. Abi Talibs said, A man will come from East before Mahdi, killing people from eight months and once he heads towards Jerusalem, he will die once he reached there or conquers it.