Wahdat-e-ummat is a short book composed and written by Molana Ishaq ahmad, a renowned scholar and religious person from Faisalabad/Pakistan. It is a must read book for everyone, not available online but a copy of it you can read in this blog. Molana Ishaq Ahmad struggled throughtout his life to spread the true message of islam by neglecting the concept of secteranism. Sects have become so common in Muslim world that each Muslim must belong to any one of them and every one consider his/her sect 'pure', 'rightly guided', 'leading to jannah'.
What I am going to teach you, maybe not healthy for someone because we don't ponder over the religious matters. But I urge you to please sit relaxed and listen to my words.
Because the survival of Muslims Community is attached to this concept which i am going to tell you. Muslims have struggled a lot to indulge in false wars. Remember! that Muslims are one nation and every person who claims 'there is no god but God' is a part of that nation. So no body has the right to consider any other part of Muslim nation as Kafir.
To say that someone has become kafir, is a sin worst than killing, robbery and fornication. But we are coming it everyday, that's why I am here to deliver a brief lecture on the concept of unity.
Molana Abu AL Kalam Azad wrote in his book "Tazkirah" a narration in which a jewish person said to Ali b. Abi Talib,
"Before burying your prophet, your nation fall apart".
Ali replied, "Yes, that is ture there were contradictions among minds but those contradictions were never about Prophet pbuh. Those were the contradictions about the narrations of Prophet (pbuh)". No body claimed that Prophet was a liar. People misunderstood the narrations. These misunderstanding were about the explanation of the tradition of the
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).
Then Ali. abi Talib said, "O Jew, look at your face when you saw few people prostrating before a Cow and then you demanded to Prophet Moses to create something similar for us.
That claim not only vanished your believe but you also rejected the Prophet hood of Moses".
Ali replied to them with complete certainty and belief on Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and Allah, the alone. After stating that narration, Molana Abu Al Kalam said, "Ali's words are marvelous and that answer only can come out of Ali's tougue". Umar b. al-khattab said,

Ali is the top judge amongst us, that was said by Umar b. Al khattab, which was narrated by Imam Al Bukhari in his Sahiha. Molana Abu al Kalam further reported an incident;
“ After the birth and teachings of four jurists of Islam, a question once aroused amongst learned scholars that which one of them is the top teacher. Abu Hanifa or Imam Al Shafi ? That question leads them towards continuous debate. That debate then converted into a religious war among the people of Kharasan. Halagu khan extracted an idea to defeat Muslim nations from that war. One group of Muslims invited Halagu khan to crush the other. They opened the gates of the city. But when Halagu khan entered into the city, he never thought for a second that I am killing the followers of Imam Al Shafi or Abu Hanifa. He simply killed each and every Muslim.
Everyone knows about it. The fall of Bagdad due to Shia Sunni clash. In the reign of Muatsim Billah, shia Sunni quarrel started and one group invited Halagu khan to get rid of the other. Halagu khan repeated the history by killing both Sunni and Shia. Baghdad which was the most modern city of that time, ruined and looted by the forces of Halagu khan.
Muslim nation fall apart, not because of Hinus, Sikh, Christians or Jewish, but because of the foolishness of its own community members, the other Muslims. But I am not here to blame anyone, nor it is my topic of today’s sermon. I narrated these incidents to inform you that sectarian quarrels among Muslims only ruined Muslims.
Another propaganda that Islam has more than 73 sects is a biggest blunder and it destroyed the Muslim nations. It is not a concept of Islam but it was promoted by the enemies of Muslims. Islam is all safe and Quran is the guiding law for Muslims. People are not disobeying Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). It is our mistake that we consider Muslims nothing but a perished and destroyed nation.
Remember that the nation of the Prophet Muhammad is all safe. Islam will remain safe till the end of this universe.